17 April 2009

Pain and Healing


This soul, who you love, is now safe in what we call the Spirit World. You might call that Heaven.

It is called the Spirit World as all who are there are in their spirit form and no longer in their physical body.

Don’t let the death of a love one prevent the voyage of personal discovery from continuing.

Not only with communication with that person, but with the knowledge that the Spirit World does exist and, with your own discovery, you will be awakened to the vast knowledge and experience of love and a helping hand not seen with naked eyes, but felt.

With enough evidence, which comfortably outweighs any doubts in ones mind, we can learn that our love ones live on and we will be reunited once again through the vehicle of love for all time.

Find out your own truth and never be blinded by uncertainty and false truths often imparted by religious dogma, who know nothing of the real truth and what’s more important, have never even bothered to find out through the evidence that is all around us.

Continue this special journey, because with knowledge, a greater understanding is given and although the pain of a love one is there, it does lessen over time in a much better way.

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