MUSTAFA'S Message is about HEALING"
"There are so many people in need of healing in one form or another, be it emotional, physical or spiritual. The mental and the emotional tend to go hand in hand, because if the mental/emotional is in imbalance, it will most certainly have a profound effect on the physical.
"Long term depression can bring on heart palpitations and anxiety attacks, a closing down of the mind takes place and that person can only see doom and gloom around the corner. For them life has stood still. They are no longer able to see what is actually good around them, as they are frozen in a time warp of despair and dread.
"For those who are out there who are the healers of this World, it is your responsibility to give or send healing to these very damaged people, so that in time they can conduct their own lives in a more normal fashion and existence and start to change and actually learn to live again.
"Please remember all those who do 'God's' work, especially in the healing capacity, are also healed. Their rewards come back to them in amazing ways. These true healers of this World are recompensed by 'God' in numerous ways and a certain upliftment and knowing that you are truly guided in every way as your life becomes established. You don't even need to ask. It is just there all the time.
"So life changes, not only for the patient but to the healer, are always given. As you give with love, so shall you receive with love always. Those people who are in great physical pain must in their own way learn to address the emotional problems, which allow this imbalance to occur.
"They must learn to see and accept the reasons for their problems and to start to make these vital changes in their lives to sort out what is necessary, so already on some level to them healing takes place. So many people allow the intolerable actions of the few to affect the lives of the many.
"They put up with it, thinking it will either go away or they can't be bothered to stand up to them and so, for an easier life, they put up with it allowing the person or persons to continue to behave badly and therefore they are equally guilty/complicit by their own actions in this disagreeable behaviour.
"The disagreeable behaviour of the few makes other's lives suffer in so many ways and in the end everybody is unhappy. It is our responsibility to ourselves to make a stand, to say, "No more. We are not putting up with this intolerable behaviour anymore."
"So by walking away and no longer accepting it, it is you in fact that is breaking the status quo and then, in that moment, changes occur as the deadlock has been broken.
"As a result of this, healing to the victims and the perpetrators can start to take place and 'God' and 'His' army of Angels can start to alleviate the situation and a new life is born.
"It is only by sticking to our guns and saying, "Enough is enough" that a form of healing, to all parties concerned, can take place and tension on all levels is decreased. A new way forwards is formed and everybody in the long run gains.
"It is not only healing to the sick that is important, but the vast healing required to change situations, which by our own actions can allow the circumstances to remain in deadlock. Once we acknowledge that situations need to change, they cannot be allowed to continue as it hurts so many, and so 'God' steps in and a wave of health and healing can at last take place.
"See those situations for what they are and if love is not at the centre of it, then it must be torn down so that new life and advantages can come about. No one needs stay in the pain of the situation. It is only by their freewill that they do so. 'God' is for all mankind, so by doing your bit 'He' can certainly do 'His'.
"'God' wants for you to be happy – try to do it 'His' way with courage and you won't ever regret your actions. Heal and be loved always – Mustafa."
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